Saturday, 20 April , 2024


Front National plans overhaul after defeat but faces internal resistance

Plans to rename and “profoundly transform” the Front National after Marine Le Pen’s defeat by Emmanuel Macron in France’s presidential runoff will meet resistance...

Analyse des programmes économiques de Macron et Le Pen par Les...

Emmanuel Macron, l’économie en marche arrière Source : Les économistes atterrés, 07-03-2017  Après plusieurs mois de suspense, Emmanuel Macron vient de présenter son programme. Le programme économique...

Macron and Le Pen fight for French working-class vote

France’s presidential candidates battled for the working-class vote in a day of sometimes violent protests ahead of next Sunday’s election. As May Day workers’ rights...

Détruire l’UE, aller à la guerre au Moyen Orient, abolir les...

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) On raconte que Madame Le Pen n’a pas beaucoup de chances d’être elue. Mais il faut raconter exactemenet ça, si on...

Détruire l’UE, aller à la guerre au Moyen Orient, abolir les...

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) On raconte que Madame Le Pen n’a pas beaucoup de chances d’être elue. Mais il faut raconter exactemenet ça, si on...

Why Euro-sceptics do not offer a solution (and why Greece did...

Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Excerpt from an interview to   Greece is in a terrible situation. In a way it is worse than a military occupation, because with...

La crise grecque : Première « bataille » d’une « guerre...

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos  Athènes, 20 Mars 2010 sur Utopie Critique « Nous ne mourrons pas pour Dantzig », disaient les Français il y a soixante-dix...

Ten Proposals to Beat the European Union

  This collective text initiated by Eric Toussaint, of the CADTM campaign for the abolition of the debt of the global South has been collectively...

The Greek program is made to fail. Debt is the main...

  There's a real need for international debtor rights, says economist Michael Hudson. SHARMINI PERIES: It's The Real News Network. I'm Sharmini Peries, coming to you...

First destroying, then expelling Greece. Shaeuble: a “German nationalist” acting in...

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble on Wednesday brought back the Grexit issue by saying that unless Greece implements reforms it cannot stay in the...