Friday, 4 October , 2024


Why Europe Overlooks Trump’s Threat, Increases Russian Gas Imports

04.10.2018 European consumers see no reason for abandoning cheap Russian pipeline gas and substituting it for expensive American super-chilled fuel. While Washington is fuming over...

The US-Neocon project of a world war against Russia and China...

Statement of A. Wess Mitchell Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Senate Foreign Relations Committee U.S. Strategy Towards the Russian Federation August 21, 2018 Chairman Corker,...

Global civilisation to descend into ‘hell on earth’ unless we choose...

British energy pioneer warns of uncertain future while highlighting increasing probability of a ‘great transition’ By Nafeez Ahmed Jun 5, 2018 Published by INSURGE intelligence, a crowdfunded...

Germany Can’t Give Up on Cooperation With Russia in Oil and...

24.08.2018 Germany has greenlighted the Nord Stream 2 project to bring Russian gas to Europe and is under strong pressure from the US, which warns...

Five-nation deal paves way for tapping Caspian riches

Five states sharing Caspian shoreline sign deal on legal status of inland body of water, agreeing to keep it exclusive. 12 Aug 2018 The leaders of...

Nord Stream 2 : derrière les attaques de Trump, l’enjeu du...

Thibaut Madelin 11/07/2018 En tirant à boulets rouges sur le projet de gazoduc russe, Donald Trump vole au secours de l'Europe de l'Est. Mais il a...

The Civil War inside the Empire and Turkey

The War Between America’s Military-Industrial Complex And Turkophobic Lobbies Pushes Ankara Into Russia’s Arms by Adam Garrie 2018-06-19 A war between the military-industrial complex and increasingly...

Bulgarian President Begs Russia to Resurrect the Canceled Southern Stream Pipeline

The pipeline which Bulgarian and the EU sabotaged on marching orders of US and Russia canceled in disgust in 2014 By Georgi Gotev Mon, May 28, 2018 Bulgarian...

Putin, Merkel discuss defense against Trump’s sanctions drive

18 May, 2018 Sanctions imposed by the Trump administration that could hurt companies in Germany and Russia were among the issues discussed by President Vladimir...

The Petroyuan Is Here and Global Oil Markets Have Reacted Positively

by Adam Garrie 2018-03-26 This morning, history was made as China began trading Yuan denominated oil futures contracts on the Shanghai International Energy Exchange. According to Liu...