Tuesday, 22 October , 2024

Blair Tony

Blair and Hague push for sale of NHS records to private...

Jan 25, 2024 TONY BLAIR and William Hague came under fire today after they pushed the sale of NHS medical records to private firms. In a...

Cyprus and Kissinger: Death of an image

By William Mallinson* Can I do this? As the author of a recent book on Heinz Kissinger (the result of over twenty years of archival research),...

No Knighthood for Tony Blair

Tony Blair should be heading to The Hague. Instead, on 13th June he will be heading to the castle at Windsor where he will...

Tony Blair should go to Afghanistan

The former British PM should follow up by personal example on his calls not to abandon Afghanistan By Andrew Mitrovica 29 Aug 2021 Robert Fisk would not...

Economic and humanitarian challenges loom in Afghanistan

Afghanistan: UN agencies sound alarm over emergency aid supply logjam 23 August 2021 photo: © UNICEF/Monique Awad UN humanitarian agencies are warning that they are unable to...

Justice for Afghanistan has to mean holding Blair to account for...

Aug. 24, 2021 THERE is a striking symmetry between the small (actually very small) flotilla of inflatables crossing the English Channel and the substantially larger...

The Breakaway | By Perry Anderson

21 January 2021 It is​ now a year since Britain left the EU, and less than a month since the terms of its separation were...

Day of the Poodle? Tony Blair Reportedly Set to Make ‘De...

by James Tweedie Jan.10, 2021 General Charles de Gaulle returned to power in the 1958 military coup d'etat that overthrew the French Fourth Republic, but resigned...

Labour debates responsibilities

Lessons of the election: Don’t mourn - organise! By Rob Sewell 13 Dec 2019 All the reactionaries are crowing. Donald Trump expressed particular delight at the...