Saturday, 27 July , 2024


Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Closer than ever to nuclear annihilation

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: How Dangerous To Threaten Nukes. May 30, 2024 We remind our readers that publication of articles on our site does not mean that...

Putin Ally Issues Nuclear Warning Over Ukraine’s New F-16s

May 30, 2024 Russia has issued a warning to the West over the planned delivery of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine from Belgium this year. Moscow...

How Nations Could End Israeli Genocide: Stop the Weapons, Stop the...

By Marcy Winograd* February 21, 2024 If the nations of the world–particularly the United States and the Arab countries–wanted to stop Israel’s slaughter, torture and...

Israel is taking revenge on Belgium!

Belgium summons Israeli envoy to protest bombing of development agency in Gaza Feb 2, 2024 Belgium summoned the Israeli ambassador on Friday to condemn the bombing...

Farmers’ protests grip Europe from Brussels and Berlin to Greece and...

Feb 2, 2024 Snow-dusted tractors lined up outside the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, and nighttime protests in Romania marked by vivid national flags have become...

Israel accuses Spain, Belgium leaders of backing ‘terrorism’ after Gaza remarks

Prime Minister Netanyahu said he ‘strongly condemns’ the comments by Spanish PM Pedro Sánchez and Belgian PM Alexander De Croo. By Giovanna Faggionato November 25, 2023...

Unions worldwide obstruct arms supplies to Israel

By Marc Vandepitte Nov 17, 2023 The author is a Belgian Marxist who writes for and When Israel unleashed its ruthless war of revenge against...

Left-wing politicians launch petition to investigate Israel for genocide

‘We’re not going to allow a genocide with our silence and complicity,’ said Spanish minister for social rights By Alyssa McMurtry   Nov 14, 2023 More than...

Des syndicats belges de la manutention refusent de transporter des armes...

Dans un communiqué publié le 31 octobre, différents syndicats belges du secteur de la manutention signifient leur « refus de manutentionner du matériel militaire...

Anti-NATO, Anti-EU, Anti-War, Protest Rallies Hit Germany, France, Italy

Protesters gathr outside major American airbase in EU Feb 27, 2023 RT Demonstrators descended on the Ramstein military installation in Germany, calling for an end to arms...