Pakistani PM ousted. He is accusing US of conspiracy

The vote comes amid cooling relations between Khan and Pakistan’s powerful military, which many of his political opponents allege helped him come to power in general elections in 2018. The military has directly ruled Pakistan for more than half of its 75 years and wields considerable power over civilian governments.

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Pakistan’s Khan says he accepts court ruling, blames US

Apr 8, 2022

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday said he accepted a Pakistani Supreme Court ruling that found his recent attempt to avoid a no-confidence vote in parliament unconstitutional.

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However, in the face of a vote that will likely oust him, Khan said he would not accept any government that may replace him and claimed he was the victim of a US plot aimed at “regime change” in Islamabad.

“I was disappointed with the Supreme Court decision but I want to make it clear that I respect the Supreme Court and Pakistan’s judiciary,” said Khan in a late-night address to the nation, while complaining that the court should have examined his reason for rejecting initial calls for the no-confidence vote.

“There is a conspiracy from abroad. This is a very serious allegation … that a foreign country conspired to topple an entire government.”

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