Is Venezuela in Danger of a military intervention?

Source: Agencia Venezolana de Noticias (AVN) / The Dawn News / May 14, 2016. The National Bolivarian Armed Forces of Venezuela (FANB) expressed last Saturday their rejection towards the discredit campaign that sectors of the foreign right are promoting against the Venezuelan military: also, they repudiated the attempts to promote a foreign intervention in the country, as expressed by former president Alvaro Uribe Velez.

Last May 13, the political leader asked in the US, for an international army to attack Venezuela, in the context of a meeting between spokesmen of the extreme national and international right that took place in the city of Miami. Also present were former Spanish president Jose María Aznar and Lilian Tintori, Leopoldo Lopez’ wife. Lopez was sentenced to prison in 2015 after being declared guilty of public instigation, property damaging, fire and crime association, in the activation of the 2014 plan “The way out”.

Regarding this, the FANB stated, in a statement signed by the Defense Minister, Vladimir Padrino Lopez, that Uribe’s actions are “part of an armed script carried out by the powers of the capitalist world with the support of internal groups that seek to attack the institutions of the State to promote destabilization, chaos and anarchy in their plan to overthrow the legitimate government, annulling the achievements of the Bolivarian Revolution in terms of social vindications and therefore taking over the wealth of the country”.

Hereunder we reproduce the statement:

“The National Bolivarian Armed Forces, in strict compliance with article 328 of the Magna Carta, which gives us the sacred mission of ‘guaranteeing independence and sovereignty of the nation and ensuring the integrity of the geographical space’… expresses to the Venezuelan people and the people of all the world, its most firm and categorical rejection to the systematic campaign of discredit and provocations orchestrated from abroad against our beloved nation, to which Álvaro Uribe Vélez has joined.

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On May 13, this infamous man, who has a history of interfering in internal affairs of the country, gave his opinion on the role of our institution and supported the possibility of an intervention from an armed foreign body in our country, which is in line with the opposition’s national policy. It’s worth noting that this hostile posture has precedents: in August 13, 2012, this Mr., puppet of the North American imperial policy, had the nerve of expressing that they had lacked time to carry out a military operation in the Venezuelan territory, in a cocky attitude that has always been his style as a way of hiding his incapacity and cowardice.

But what is more serious is that his statement directly suggests the possibility of a foreign intervention, a war-mongering act only worthy of a retrograde mind, to whom war is the result of a game or, probably, of business: a regretful behavior proper of a man who grew up in violence, such as the violence of the paramilitarism that he supported and promoted when he was the governor of the Antioquia department, an organization financed by drug trafficking, as recorded in documents that determined the implications.

By talking about a tyranny, he is showing his despise towards the million of Venezuelan men and women that though vote had chosen the current President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Commander in Chief of the Armed Force of the Bolivarian Nation, to whom we express our loyalty and unrestricted support.

There is no doubt that this disastrous agent is acting as part of a script written out by the powers of the capitalist world with the support of internal groups that seek to attack the institutions of the State to promote destabilization, chaos and anarchy in their plan to overthrow the legitimate government, annulling the achievements of the Bolivarian Revolution in terms of social vindications and therefore taking over the wealth of the country.

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Those who, under any pretext, try to intervene the sacred territory of the Motherland, should always have present that here live the sons and daughters of Bolivar in our unyielding willingness to defend with our lives every inch, every space, every social conquest: a whole people that will fight until spilling their last drop of blood, decidedly, and in perfect civilian-military union, against any other armed body, whatever their strength or nature is, wherever it comes from, to hold together the freedom and sovereignty of the nation.

We have the absolute certainty that the whole country will understand and assess correctly the evil nature of these statements and will be loyal to the libertarian tradition and their pacifist calling, will remain together, fighting against adversity, overcoming the obstacles of a tenacious work, promoting harmony, solidarity, justice, peace, to conquer the emerging Venezuela that Bolivar and Chavez dreamt of”.


“Chavez Lives…The Motherland Continues…!

Independence and Socialist Motherland…We will Live and Defeat”

Vladimir Padrino López, Chief General