Is a Jewish Fascism possible?

Ehud Barak: Gov’t shows ‘signs of fascism’; mass ‘non-violent revolt’ may be needed

Dec 30, 2022
Former prime minister Ehud Barak on Friday accused the new government led by Benjamin Netanyahu of working to bring down Israeli democracy and said it bore “the signs of fascism.”
Speaking at a memorial ceremony for his successor as IDF chief of staff Amnon Lipkin-Shahak, who died in 2012, Barak said that if the High Court of Justice proves unable to defend Israel and its democracy from the hard-right coalition, Israel’s citizens will have to stage “a non-violent revolt” to bring it down.
“As someone who knew Amnon [Lipkin-Shahak] well, I can surmise what he would say about this government — that it was sworn in legally but is clearly acting illegitimately,” said Barak, who defeated Netanyahu to become prime minister in 1999 and later served under Netanyahu as defense minister.
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Undisguised fascists hold balance of power in new Israeli annexationist regime

Dec 28, 2022
Agreement on a new Israeli government — a coalition of extreme rightwingers, religious bigots and outright fascists – was announced on Dec. 21. Binyamin Netanyahu will return once again as prime minister. Two open fascists, Itamar Ben-Gvir and Belazel Smotrich, will hold key posts dealing with the West Bank and the occupied Palestinian population, and indeed, hold the balance of power in the new ruling cabinet.
A document issued by Netanyahu on Dec. 28 states that the new government’s first priority is to “advance and develop settlement in all parts of Israel — in the Galilee, the Negev Desert, the Golan Heights and Judea and Samaria [West Bank].” The Galilee and Negev are heavily Palestinian areas inside the 1948 borders of the Israeli state. The illegally annexed Golan Heights are Syrian territory conquered in the 1967 war that also brought the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza under Israeli control.
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Rights Advocates Alarmed Over Israel’s New ‘Fascist, Racist, and Settler’ Government

Dec 29, 2022
Global concerns about the new Israeli government—especially what it means for Palestinians—continued to grow Thursday as Benjamin Netanyahu took the oath of office to again serve as prime minister, this time leading the most far-right and religiously conservative coalition in the country’s history.
The embattled leader was sworn in following a 63-54 vote of confidence in his new government by the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. He has appointed 30 ministers and three deputy ministers from his Likud party as well as Noam, Otzma Yehudit (“Jewish Power”‘), Religious Zionism, Shas, and United Torah Judaism.
The coalition finalized Wednesday features “a mix of an ultra-Orthodox and right-wing bloc,” with some of the most “right-wing politicians we’ve seen,” Al Jazeera‘s Sara Khairat reported Thursday from West Jerusalem, as protesters gathered. “They were on the fringes of politics and now here they are on the main stage.”
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