French police arrest Gilets Jaunes leader Drouet after gathering

Jan.2, 2019

French police arrest 33-year-old Eric Drouet, the leader of the renowned Gilets Jaune (Yellow Vests) movement in Paris late Wednesday.

This is the second time Drouet has been arrested, this time after an unauthorised gathering on the Champs-Élysées to pay homage to those who have died or been injured over the course of the protests. Ten people have died so far.

The footage was shot in Paris at La Madeleine Church on Rue Royale.

Also read

Arrestation d’Éric Drouet : “Un très mauvais signe envoyé à la population” selon le président du Mouvement citoyen des “gilets jaunes”

‘Yellow vest’ leader Eric Drouet arrested