Excluded from Netanyahu’s annexation plans, military must somehow prepare anyway

The army hasn’t seen the maps!’: For one of the first times in history, the IDF is out of the loop on a move that could radically affect central aspects of the country’s security

5 June 2020

With less than a month to go before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he intends to annex portions of the West Bank — a move with potentially immense security and geopolitical ramifications — the country’s security forces remain overwhelmingly in the dark about what exactly the government plans to do.

A verbal statement that does not actually apply Israeli civil law over the territory and thus does not have any real-world implications may result in only limited reactions by Palestinians, but full annexation of all Israeli settlements and the Jordan Valley — which Netanyahu has indicated he is considering — would likely result in a far more violent and widespread immediate response. The annexation of only the Maale Adumim settlement or Etzion bloc — both of which are almost guaranteed to remain in Israeli control under any political resolution with the Palestinians — could also result in a potentially more muted response by both Palestinians and the rest of the world.

Read more at https://www.timesofisrael.com/excluded-from-netanyahus-annexation-plans-military-must-somehow-prepare-anyway/?utm_source=The+Daily+Edition&utm_campaign=daily-edition-2020-06-05&utm_medium=email