The Romanian State – the tip of the spear of American imperialism

By Iurie Rosca,
2 martie 2018

When looking from Chișinău, Romania is seen as being in a dishonorable position, namely as the tip of the spear of American imperialism. After more than a quarter of a century of competing in the zeal of submitting the country to the new overlords in Washington, after ruining and giving away the national economy to foreigners, after giving away their arable land to foreign investors, after tailoring society with the recipes of the New World Order string pullers, it looks like Romanian politicians are starting to present themselves as saviors of the Moldovans. After leaving nothing left of their national sovereignty, after the decision-making process was taken over by the Brussels bureaucracy and its overseas patrons, Bucharest has proudly taken the role of the guide for Chișinău towards the enlightened and irreversible path of Euro-Atlantic integration.

Around 10 years ago, in a visit of a Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs in Chișinău, the guest made an interesting statement during the press conference held with his Moldovan counterpart – Andrei Stratan, which did not stop the latter in subtly making fun of it. The Romanian official said: “Romania is ready to commit itself to being the lawyer of Moldova in the process of European integration”, to which Andrei Stratan responded: “Thank you very much, dear colleague. But Moldova did not commit any crime on the international scale and does not need a lawyer”. Leaving all jokes aside, the time has come to make some clarifications on the relationship between Bucharest and Chișinău, from a geopolitical perspective. Such types of analysis will not affect consumers of national myths such as “the centenary of the Great Union – an opportunity of repeating history”, those who cannot distinguish between reality and non-reality, but rather choose to force reality according to the oniric state, bringer of hope and delight. It is not for them that we write these lines, but for those who do not confuse the bureaucracy of Bucharest with history, culture, spirituality and the historical development of a people.

To honour the memory of our ancestors, to experience feelings of national dignity around the glories of Stephen the Great or to drink out of the inexhaustible fountain of the works of Eminescu, Enescu, Brâncuși, Eliade, Noica and so many others who represent our history and our culture does not necessarily mean to have respect and more importantly, be obedient to the envoys of Bucharest, who are insisting on making us happy against our will.

From a wider perspective that takes into account international realities in their whole complexity, things are as follows. After convincing the wayward Saakashvili to measure his military potential with that of Russia in 2008, the adventure concluded itself with the loss (for good?) of two parts of national territory, which became subjects of international law and protectorates of Moscow. After instigating the new regime in Kiev to reckless actions in 2014, which resulted in massive military hostilities, considerable losses of human lives, the takeover of the Crimean peninsula by Russia, and the de facto secession of the eastern parts of the country aspiring to definitively separate from Ukraine, US strategists have achieved their goal: both Georgia and Ukraine have been determined to seriously damage their relations with Russia (to the detriment of their own national interests) and – here is the key !!! – need the US protection against „Russian danger”. Bullseye!

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History shows that the Anglo-Saxon string pullers are the finest, the most perverse and experienced masters in stimulating nationalism everywhere in the world, to their imperial advantage and to the misfortune of the blind peoples used in these dirty and bloody geopolitical games. It is enough to take a brief look at the intrigues schemed by them in Asia, in the Arab World or in Africa in the past couple of hundreds of years in order to realize that the state of the relationship between Romania and the Republic of Moldova are not an exception but on the contrary, an example of this old and perfidious imperial logic that conducts itself by the eternal saying “Divide and conquer!”.

These tools are very effective, as they fill in wonderfully old historical animosities, springing out of the conflicts of the great powers that have not bypassed our people. Cutting and changing of maps, depending on the ability of waging wars, in using military force or the threat of using it, which brought disaster and endless suffering to many millions of people, the plagues of the communist regime, with its repression, deportations, enslavement and denationalization of peoples that found themselves in the middle of the Comintern boiler – all of this is perfectly true in our case too. And it is exactly here that we get caught up in the net of the string pullers from overseas. The thirst for revenge, the ardent desire to restore historical truth are what make up the raw material for the maneuverers from the Euro-Atlantic centers of influence.

In the case of the Republic of Moldova, after a violent overthrow (the Moldovan Maidan avant la lettre on Aprile 7, 2009), the power was usurped by a couple of mafia-type clans (which in the meantime has reduced to one) and the American prestidigitators managed to accomplish the plan that served in preserving the country’s imperial interest. And it is namely one plan, at the hands of anyone who is not blind or is not playing the fool. That is, to take over the decision-making process in exchange for some financial alms, which are given according to the degree of obedience of the pawns of Moldovan state hierarchies. What exactly are these jacks supposed to do? Barely anything, except:

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1) To open the gates to the free-trade economy of the flow of goods, capital and foreign services (= the death of the national economy);

2) To declare their eternal fidelity to the European course of the country, (the EU being conceived from the start, after 1945, as a vassal of the US);

3) to declare itself an integral part of the US’s total geopolitical war against Russia (a successful mission – the expelling of Russian diplomats, the permanent expulsion of journalists from that country, the banning of TV broadcasting, etc.).

4) to abandon methodically the country’s neutral status in favor of inexorable NATO membership.

We will need to spend some time on the last point. The whole bustle concerning the opening of the NATO Documentation Center, with visits by the dignitaries of this US-controlled political-military bloc in Chisinau, with the commitments of the Moldovan officials to buy US weapons (why not, if we have a budget surplus and there aren’t any social emergencies to solve, right?) and send Moldovan soldiers to trainings so that they can meet NATO standards. And in this abominable and unfortunate show, our „regional patrons”, the Romanian officials, have also engaged. Even the Romanian Minister of War showed up, who walked arm in arm with our Defense Minister and the Romanian PM too honored us with her presence. We are courted with great insistence by our brothers (and sisters – not to offend the feminists engaged in the gender equality battle) from beyond the Prut river who are trying to do everything just to see us under the big NATO umbrella (and the generous EU, of course).

The siren songs are sung in chorus by the American falcons (disguised as pigeons of peace) and the puppets from Brussels and Bucharest. But instead of a state of bliss, the cacophony with sound of guns and smell of gunpowder causes concern.

NATO’s lure to Moldova, as well as the fuss regarding the centenary of the Great Union, has no purpose other than to provoke as much internal tension as possible, to get spirits fired up in the Transnistrian region and Gagauz autonomy, and ultimately to create a small civil war, followed by territorial disintegration and the transformation of the country into an ungovernable area. And the end is known. Look at the case of Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014, which is far from being over.

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If we are to take a look at the map of our region, everything becomes extremely clear. Romania has already entered NATO (although the sinister joke, according to which NATO has entered Romania, not vice-versa, is perfectly true), Ukraine is to be incorporated into this bloc in the nearest time, and Moldova, a small, poor and vulnerable country has the ambition to remain neutral. This is not acceptable. This confusion or temporary state, if you wish, can no longer last. The stake of the US military-industrial complex is clear, the tasks are set, and the roles – distributed.

„Carthage must be destroyed!”  – the falcons of American militarism repeat obsessively to the point of fainting. And the role of Carthage is attributed, as is well known, to Russia. And for this historic mission, prescribed by the god of war, the Atlanticists are ready to sacrifice without remorse a country like Moldova, as they have always done in such situations. It is only regrettable that in this pessimistic scenario, the role of the tip of the spear, of false guide, is given to Bucharest.

It is namely this that causes the biggest mess in the collective mentality from the Republic of Moldova. People who are sympathetic towards Romania are not always able to think of concepts such as the one of the great Romanian sociologist Dimitrie Gusti, who called these types of situations as “a conflict between the state and the nation” or the „superposed strata”, in Eminescu’s words. The superstructure, the ruling class, the anti-elite at the head of the country is not guided by the interests of the nation, but it serves foreign interests to the detriment of its own country and at the same time to the detriment of Moldova. Whether it’s just hypocrisy or plain stupidity, that’s another story. It is likely that we will never know if they are mercenaries who understand and take on their mischievous mission or just blind tools, „useful idiots”, „blind pilots”, as young Eliade would say.

It is certain that heavy clouds are gathering over the already not-so-bright sky of the Bessarabian region. And only God knows if we will be able to avoid a dramatic outcome.

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