Saturday, 27 July , 2024

US Far Right

Vance. He wants (?) peace with Russia, more wars in the...

Trump’s VP Pick Vance Says Iran Needs To Be ‘Punched Hard’ The Ohio senator also said he believes Trump will bring the Ukraine war to...

Richard Murphy – We have to redistribute income or wealth or...

Facism is the logical and ultimate political form of neo-liberalism Richard Murphy is an economic justice campaigner. Professor of Accounting, Sheffield University Management School. Chartered accountant....

Donald Trump is NOT a ‘threat to the deep state’. Here...

Following a shooting at a rally in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump's supporters have portrayed him as a so-called "threat to the US deep state". But...

Trump Says Israel Has To ‘Finish the War’ Because It’s ‘Losing...

The former president said Israel made a 'big mistake' by broadcasting images and videos of the destruction in Gaza by Dave DeCamp March 25,...

Trump Son-in-Law Jared Kushner Calls for Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza to...

Kushner, who served as a key Middle East adviser to Trump, said that Gaza's "waterfront property could be very valuable" and urged Israel to...

‘In a word, horrific’: Trump’s extreme anti-environment blueprint

Allies and advisers have hinted at a more methodical second term: driving forward fossil fuel production, sidelining scientists and overturning rules By Oliver Milman and...

‘Finish the Problem’: Presumptive GOP Nominee Trump Endorses Gaza Genocide

One commentator argued that while President Joe Biden has "bent over backward to support Israel," Donald Trump would "be even worse." By Jake Johnson Mar 06,...

On Turning 80 in the Age of Biden and Trump

Who would believe me decades ago if I tried to explain to them where the United States now finds itself. On the precipice of...

Boris Johnson: Trump is a great friend of Ukraine and the...

Jan 21, 2024 Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson endorsed former US President Donald Trump for re-election, writing in a column for the Daily Mail...

Michael Cohen’s Ominous Prediction About Donald Trump’s Intentions

Nov 25, 2023 Michael Cohen, the one-time lawyer and "fixer" for Donald Trump, warned Friday on an episode of his podcast about the grim outlook...