Saturday, 27 July , 2024


Accusé d’apologie du terrorisme, l’ancien chercheur au CNRS François Burgat a...

Cette convocation fait suite à une plainte déposée par l’OJE (Organisation Juive Européenne) après le partage et le commentaire d’une publication du Hamas fait...

French elections: Far-right vote is a long-delayed effect of jihadist terrorist...

The newspaper "Le Monde" has published a very interesting article about the correlation between terrorist attacks in France and the rise of the French...

Fico’s Enemies Risk Slovak ‘Civil War’ to Keep EU Leaders in...

May 16, 2024 Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico survived an assassination attempt Wednesday, suffering serious wounds to his stomach, arms and legs, but remaining alive....

Αttempted assassination of Robert Fico. A very bad signal for...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos The attempted assassination of the leftist and a critic of Western policy in Ukraine Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico, is probably...

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico Injured in Attack

May 15, 2024 On Wednesday, Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot and collapsed to the ground. He was immediately taken to a hospital by...

Suspected Mossad Agent Arrested In Malaysia

Mar 30, 2024 Malaysia is a Muslim-majority country and has been a steadfast supporter of Palestine. It has no formal relations with Israel and in...

From Moscow to Damascus: The art of provocation

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Some days ago we had a serious terrorist attack in Moscow. We have already addressed this attack and the false narratives regarding...

Iran’s Former Intel Minister: Mossad, MI6, And CIA Created Islamic State

Oct 14, 2014 A former Iranian minister of intelligence, Heydar Moslehi, has added his voice to the growing number of hard-line critics of the U.S.-led...

Zelensky government intensifies shelling of Russia’s Belgorod region in wake of...

By Jason Melanovski, Clara Weiss Mar 28, 2024 In the wake of Friday’s terror attack at the Crocus City Hall near Moscow, which has claimed at...

US Preparing More “Islamic” Terror

By Karsten Riise March 27, 2024 Looks like the USA has more terrorist attacks in the pipeline. US media is now preparing the global public that more...