Wednesday, 11 September , 2024


Christians in the Middle East: USA, Τurkey and Armenians

Robert Fisk, the Beirut based veteran correspondent of the British "Independent" for the Middle East has written a very interesting article comparing the situation with...

Sanders proposes full reversal of US policy in the Middle East

Senator Bernie Sanders has made a historic speech about relations with Israel, Palestinians, Iran, Russia and the whole Middle Eastern situation. The speech contains the...

Russia retreats, Putin warns

The following four articles from TASS are referring to the situation that has been configured in Syria after Kremlin’s decision to withdraw the Russian...

Syria and Russia

The announcement of a partial retreat of Russian forces from Syria puzzled more than one international observers. Here we bring to the attention of...

Agreement on refugees. The view from Ankara

Here is an anthology of interesting publications in Turkey on the last agreement between Ankara and the EU. Murat Yetkin is representative of the...

Behind the end of the historic role of France in MIddle...

Alain Gresh, of Monde Diplomatique explains the reasons behind the French eclipse in the Middle East. Read the article in L' Orient-Le Jour and also  

A New Idea: Turn Greece into a concentration camp!

It is the triumph of Samuel Huntington and of his project, hidden inside his prophecy of a “Clash of Civilizations”. It is also a...

Hillary Clinton: the Queen of Chaos and the Threat of World...

by MAIDHC Ó CATHAIL – DIANA JOHNSTONE Maidhc Ó Cathail: In your latest book, you dub Hillary Clinton the “Queen of Chaos”. Can you explain...

A looming provocation? Turkey, Syria and the refugees

It seems that neither Turkey or Saudi Arabia are very happy with the Obama-Putin agreement in Syria. They are not also happy with the...

An “insight” report on Russian military in Syria

The following article presents a great interest, as it contains rare information on the role of Russian military advisers in Syria. It was published...