Saturday, 21 September , 2024

Chemical Arms

Newsweek Journo Quits After Editors Kill Report On Syria Chemical Attack...

“I have collected evidence of how they suppressed the story in addition to evidence from another case where info inconvenient to US government...

U.S., UK, & France, certainly committed an international war crime against...

By Eric Zuesse It is now clear that on 14 April 2018, the three Governments of U.S., UK, and France, fired over a hundred missiles...

Second Whistleblower Emerges from Investigation into Douma Chemical Attack

Caitlin Johnstone flags a report about another member of the OPCW investigation who says his findings, which contradicted the official conclusions, were suppressed.    By Caitlin...

Western media silent on new revelations about “Chemical Arms” in Syria

Panel Criticizes ‘Unacceptable Practices’ in the OPCW’s investigation of the Alleged Chemical Attack in Douma, Syria on April 7th 2018 October 23, 2019 The Courage Foundation...

CIA Chief Showed Trump Dead Duck Photos, Told Him Russians Poisoned...

Told him the Russians novichoked ducks and children in Britain — neither ever happened Jason Ditz It was to get him to expell 60 Russian diplomats...

Russian Warplanes Strike Syrian Rebels After Poison Gas Attacks

Russia says group responsible for gas shelling was target By Jason Ditz Posted on November 25, 2018 In response to a Syrian rebel attack that...

US Military Preparing For “Options” In Syria

by Tyler Durden 09/08/2018 Events are moving rapidly in Syria as Russian jets pound insurgent positions in Idlib Province and as the Syrian Army initiates...

Mattis is siding with Neocons to put pressure on Russia

Mattis: US Urging Russia to Prevent Chemical Weapons Strike in Syria Russia sees West preparing for 'false flag' chemical attack Defense Secretary James Mattis told reporters...

Vietnam demands Monsanto compensate Agent Orange victims after US cancer ruling...

25 Aug, 2018 Following the unprecedented $289mn verdict against Monsanto in California, Hanoi is seeking justice for victims of exposure to the Agent Orange –...

Terrorists readying chemical attack to frame Damascus & provide pretext for...

25 Aug, 2018 The US and its allies are preparing new airstrikes on Syria, the Russian Defense Ministry said, adding that militants are poised to...