Saturday, 8 February , 2025


Canada launches major class-action lawsuit against Monsanto’s Roundup & owner Bayer

21 Nov, 2019 A Canadian law firm has filed a $500 million class-action lawsuit against Monsanto and its owner Bayer. It says they’ve been acting...

L’aide Suisse au développement, Nestlé et la privatisation de l’Eau

Par Franklin Frederick Sept. 3, 2019 En février dernier, le Gouvernement de la Suisseannonçait la création d'une fondation à Genève (, nommée « Geneva Science and DiplomacyAnticipator » (GSDA)....

Huge workers strikes in the United States

GM plants in Mexico, Canada are operating as UAW strike drags on, underscoring division on outsourcing jobs By Michael Wayland Oct 8 2019 DETROIT – The United...

Swiss Development Aid, Nestlé and Water Privatization

By Franklin Frederick Last February, the Government of Switzerland announced the creation of a Foundation in Geneva (, under the name ‘Geneva Science and Diplomacy...

CETA: Ils ont osé ratifier !

par Michel Quinet Secrétaire général du Parti de la démondialisation le 28 juillet 2019 Le projet de loi de ratification de l’accord de libre-échange entre le Canada...

CO2 et virus oubliés : le permafrost est “une boîte de...

Par Boris Loumagne 15/12/2018 Tandis que les règles d'application de l'accord de Paris ont été adoptées lors de la COP24 en Pologne, en Sibérie ou au...

15 Years Ago: US Sponsored Coup d’Etat. The Destabilization of Haiti

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, February 28, 2019 Author’s Note This article was written 15 years ago, in the last days of February 2004 in response...

Fourteenth WAPE Forum on ‘Class, State and Nation in the 21st...

19-21 July 2019, Winnipeg, Canada Hosted by the Geopolitical Economy Research Group, University of Manitoba, Canada The 14th annual Forum of the World Association for Political...

The kidnapping of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou

8 December 2018 On Wednesday, the world was shocked to learn that Canadian authorities had arrested and confined without bail Meng Wanzhou, the deputy chairperson...

Millions in Yemen are starving and UK, US & France are...

6 Nov, 2018 The US, UK, and French governments are behind millions of people starving in Yemen because they are “supporting this war,” an Oxfam...