Saturday, 27 July , 2024


How Nations Could End Israeli Genocide: Stop the Weapons, Stop the...

By Marcy Winograd* February 21, 2024 If the nations of the world–particularly the United States and the Arab countries–wanted to stop Israel’s slaughter, torture and...

Canada, Nazis and Ukraine

Canada House Speaker Rota Resigns Over Recognition of Ukrainian Nazi Veteran Hunka Sep 26, 2023 WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Canada's Speaker of the House of Commons Anthony...

Myths and reality about the Ukraine war

How one views the war depends very much on the starting point of one’s analysis By David Mandel* August 2, 2023 A few words about myself...

Leaked: What you should know about Edelman and TransCanada’s attack plan

Nov 20, 2014 How far is the oil industry prepared to go to silence opposition to dangerous and environmentally destructive projects like the Keystone XL...

Peace has no meaningful alternative. Four theses

By Tamás Krausz (*) First thesis Even though the imperialism of the 21st century is connected to the developments of the 20th century with a thousand...

The NDP and the Right to Strike

  By Larry Haiven* January 17, 2023 Ontario Premier Doug Ford recently found himself in hot water for removing the right to strike from educational...

Pattern of Canadian Complicity and coverup in Syria must end

Statement of Syria Support Movement The recent exposé by Richard Kerbaj in his new book, The Secret History of the Five Eyes, of a Canadian...

The Occupation of Ottawa is a Far-Right Assault on Labor and...

By Stephen Gowans February 10, 2022 Some people believe the occupation of Ottawa is a leftwing, pro-working-class phenomenon, but that’s hardly the view of trade unionists,...

Canada and Ukrainian Fascsists

Canadian imperialism’s fascist friends—Part 1: Ottawa’s decades-long alliance with the Ukrainian far-right and the NATO war on Russia By James Clayton, Roger Jordan, Keith Jones 15...

Guns Without Butter

By Radhika Desai May 5, 2022 Ottawa political circles must have heaved secret sighs of relief when Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and New Democratic Party...