Wednesday, 18 September , 2024


Peoples’ movements across the world celebrate the victory of Nicolás Maduro

They congratulate the courage and determination of the people of Venezuela The Dawn News / May 22, 2018 On Sunday May 20, the Venezuelan people elected...

Hague Tribunal Exonerates Slobodan Milosevic Again

By Andy WILCOXSON 07.12.2017 Eleven years after his death, a second trial chamber at the UN War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague has concluded that...

EU Reportedly Seeks to Expand Into Balkans to Counter Russian Influence

The European Union reportedly intends to include six countries into its fold in a bid deal with several major issues the organization is currently...

The Rational Destruction of Yugoslavia

By Michael Parent In 1999, the U.S. national security state — which has been involved throughout the world in subversion, sabotage, terrorism, torture, drug trafficking,...

Israel maintains robust arms trade with rogue regimes

by Jonathan Cook Mon Oct 23 2017 Tel Aviv - Human rights activists are stepping up efforts to expose Israel's long and covert history of...

Greece has become the EU’s third protectorate

by Jan Zielonka 14 Augus 2015 The EU looks increasingly like an empire, having just created its third protectorate in the Balkans. Greece will effectively be...

Even when wars end in the Middle East, superbugs and aggressive...

In one example, tissue samples from the three-week 2008-2009 Israeli-Hamas Gaza war show remnants of heavy metals in the wounds of Palestinians which can lead to...

Roaming Charges: Love at First Strike

Ivanka, our Park Avenue Electra, did it. She’s the one who softened her daddy’s leathery heart by forcing him to watch those dreadful pictures of...

The ICTY Karadzic Judgement and Milosevic: Victims of “Fascist Justice”

A recent report by Andy Wilcoxson, who has been following the trials at the ICTY, states that the judgement in the Dr. Karadzic case, issued in March of this year, “exonerated” or cleared President Milosevic of the allegations made against him by the prosecution at the ICTY. However, the judgement contains other findings by these judges that muddy the waters and remind us that though they did accept certain favourable facts regarding Milosevic, their purpose was not to “clear” Milosevic but to convict Karadzic and so they used legitimate disagreements on strategy and tactics between Milosevic and Karadzic to diminish the role of Milosevic in this case and exaggerate the role of and belligerency of Karadzic.

The Death of Milosevic and NATO Responsibility

The death of Slobodan Milosevic was clearly the only way out of the dilemma the NATO powers had put themselves in by charging him before the Hague tribunal. The propaganda against him was of an unprecedented scale. The trial was played in the press as one of the world’s great dramas, as world theatre in which an evil man would be made to answer for his crimes. But of course, there had been no crimes, except those of the NATO alliance, and the attempt to fabricate a case against him collapsed into farce.