Netanyahu’s War

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
June 24, 2016

It seems that Benjamin Netanyahu, the unofficial but de facto leader of the world’s Neoconservatives, wishes to tie up his loose ends with Tehran– he has been trying to overthrow the Iranian regime for over 20 years now. Yet, overthrowing the Iranian regime by force would undoubtedly increase the possibility of a nuclear conflict in the whole region. It would also provoke an unprecedented chain of catastrophe throughout the entire region.

It is enough to remember for just one minute what happened as a result of the Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria campaigns, to understand the sheer scale of events which will unfold if a strong country like Iran will be attacked. Nothing will be the same in the world after such a war, even if it remains conventional.

But there is also a strong probability such a war won’t remain conventional for a very simple reason… It is more than clear, based on the experience of the Iraq war, that the US Army does not have the capacity to defeat Iran by conventional military means.

The contingency plans drafted by the US military for the use of nuclear weapons in Iran had been revealed in 2006 by Seymour Hersh in the Washington Post. At the time, however, US-Russia relations were in much better shape and the risk of a conflict escalating at a regional or global level was nowhere as high as it is today.

For over two decades, Netanyahu has been held back in his most reckless plans by the opposition of Israeli and U.S. high ranking military personnel, by successive heads of MOSSAD and U.S. secret services and, of course, by President Obama and Zbigniew Brzezinski. But now, the Israeli prime minister is more than ever before in control of his general staff, of MOSSAD and of Washington itself! The neocon – “nationalist” faction of the western-Israeli establishment was never so powerful as it is today, even in Europe through Bannon and the majority of the European “radical right”– first of all Italy’s Salvini, who pretends to be a close friend of Russia, but is Israel’s best friend. He is also close to Netanyahu and the Americans (his positions on the Middle East, on Venezuela and his opposition to the Chinese – Italian agreements are crystal clear for that matter).

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The NATO-Russia conflict threatens nuclear war

The role of the European “Radical Right”

It is outside the scope of this article to examine the deep and interesting question of the international policy of the European Radical or Far Right, which seems to have replaced Jewish bankers with Islam as its enemy No 1, something quite convenient for the Israeli party of War, which has suddenly forgot its anti-antisemitism in dealing with them. If we speak, for instance, about Le Pen, she seems rather genuinely pro-Russian, as she is trying to pretend to be an heir to Gaullism, at least in part. But even then, we cannot be sure what she will do under pressure. Words are cheap, especially in our historical context. Politicians of all kinds seem to be more the product of behind the scenes “conspiracies” and palace manipulations and intrigues than to represent genuine socio-political currents. Sometimes they are even obviously unconscious of the role they really play. As for Salvini for instance, no one can have serious doubts that he wants to be the best ally of Israel and the US. He says he is pro-Russian, but what position he would adopt in a new Middle East conflict or in a US-Russia conflict? That is the only serious criterion.

The only genuine friends and allies of Russia in the West have been historically Communists and genuine Gaullists because they had important, organic reasons of their own to be friends. On the other hand, we must not forget the enormous and tragic experience of the interwar period. German National Socialists, for instance, portrayed themselves as an anti-capitalist force (as today’s radical nationalists pretend to be anti-globalization forces), accumulating thus enormous political power which they finally put at the service of the German (and international) Big Capital!

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German Nazis pretended they were friends of Stalin’s Russia and even wished to conclude with Moscow a kind of co-dominion over Europe. Marshal Zhukov himself describes in great detail in his Memoires the tragic wake-up that followed those delusions.

By the way, the Tsipras – SYRIZA U-turn phenomenon is not especially Greek or leftist. It could easily be repeated on the Far Right tomorrow just as it occurred on the Greek “Left”, whose leadership was eventually successfully (and unconsciously up to a point) manipulated by the Americans and “Deep Finance”. And it is under President Trump, the supposed friend of Russia and anti-war politician, that we approached more closely than at any other time since 1963, the prospect of a world nuclear conflict!

t has been proven, time and again, that nobody can win over Russia in a direct clash. The only way to attempt to “conquer” it, is by trying to exploit the enormous wish for international stability of the Soviet and post-Soviet Russian elites and pretend to recognize them as equal partners. This is what happened before WWII and this is also what happened with the Gorbachev and Yeltsin teams of “reformers”. Of course, it seems very improbable and unlikely that such a scenario could be repeated under the present leadership of Russia, especially with the enormous accumulated experience, including the experience of three decades of Western interventions in Yugoslavia, the Middle East and Ukraine.

Neocons and Globalizers

There are now two camps competing for influence on the Mount Olympus of the Global Empire of Finance; the Globalizers of the Soros / Fukuyama type and the Neoconservatives the “Nationalists” of the Huntington / Netanyahu brand.

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Both are committed to the same strategic goal, the domination of the whole planet by the dictatorship of Finance, of the Bankers, or, to be more precise, by the politically and strategically coherent wing of the international Financial Capital.

Both, whatever they pretend, are absolutely hostile to the idea of huge entities, like Russia or China, or anybody else for that matter, commanding any serious degree of autonomy. Both understand the world globally and not regionally, as do sometimes their opponents. Both are radical and not conservatives like many of their opponents, which makes them more adapted and effective in an era of deep systemic crisis and radical change.

Where those two camps inside the Empire differ sharply is in the methods and ideologies used to attain their strategic goals and dominate the world.