Ex-USSR: Strange Coincidences or a new “Gladio” in action

Moldovan president rushed to hospital after car crash

9 Sep, 2018

Moldovan President Igor Dodon was rushed to hospital after his motorcade was involved in a car accident near the city of Straseni, a police spokesperson has confirmed.

The incident happened near the city of Straseni on Sunday, as Dodon was traveling from the Moldovan capital, Chisinau, to the western city of Ungheni, local media reported.
The president’s car reportedly flipped over during the crash, sources told local news agency Unimedia. Video footage of the crash site shows two black cars in a ditch near the road, one of which is overturned. A white truck with a damaged cabin can be also seen on the road. The vehicle reportedly belonged to a poultry farm.
Read more at https://www.rt.com/news/437996-moldova-president-injured-car-crash/

Президент Молдавии рассказал о странностях аварии, в которую попал его кортеж

Президент Молдавии Игорь Додон считает странной аварию, в которую попал в воскресенье его кортеж; он также подтвердил, что его мать, Галина Додон, действительно пострадала в результате происшествия.
«На встречную полосу, наперерез кортежу, который передвигался с нормальной скоростью в сопровождении машин охраны и полиции, неожиданно выехал грузовик и врезался именно в машину, где находился президент», – приводит его слова ТАСС.
Додон отметил, что все это выглядит странным.
Read more at https://vz.ru/news/2018/9/9/941064.html

Prime Minister of Abkhazia Gagulia Killed in Car Accident


Prime Minister of Abkhazia Gennady Gagulia was killed in a car accident which took place not far from the settlement of Myussera, in the republic’s Gudauta District, late on Saturday, Diana Zantaria, the spokeswoman for the republic’s cabinet of ministers, told Sputnik.
“Yes, we confirm this information. The accident took place near the Myussera post. According to preliminary information, Gennady Leonidovich was still alive on the way to hospital. No one else got hurt [in the accident],” Zantaria said.
Read more at https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201809091067868050-abkhazia-prime-minister-killed-car-crash/

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Corbyn on NATO, Trump, Globalization and the Left

NATO and CIA escalate their war against Russia from Ukraine

Leader of breakaway republic in Ukraine assassinated

By Andrea Peters
7 September 2018

Last Friday’s assassination of Alexander Zakarchenko, the head of the breakaway Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) in eastern Ukraine, is exacerbating already heightened tensions between Russia and the Western imperialist powers. The 42-year-old leader of the Russian-backed rebel state died in an explosion at a café in Donetsk on the evening of August 31.
According to official sources, an improvised explosive device was placed in the restaurant before the prime minister arrived for dinner. Zakharchenko’s body guard was also killed.
Read more at http://www.defenddemocracy.press/nato-and-cia-escalate-their-war-against-russia-from-ukraine/

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