Thursday, 25 April , 2024

Working Class

“You don’t know how delighted I was to see Tsipras hit...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos I had not seen him for years. He was an old SYRIZA cadre, not the worst and he left in 2015. I...

The New Imperialist Structure

by Samir Amin Contemporary capitalism is a capitalism of generalized monopolies. What I mean by that is that monopolies no longer form islands (important as...

A 32-Hour Workweek Is Long Overdue

Bernie Sanders is calling for a reduction in the workweek to 32 hours, at full-time pay. He’s absolutely right. Gains in productivity should serve...

Belgium is a European hub for Vietnamese human trafficking, report says

People-smuggling from Vietnam to Europe has become a growing issue in recent years. By Wilhelmine Preussen and Nicolas Camut December 7, 2022 Human smuggling and trafficking...

Under banner of “de-Sovietization,” Ukrainian government prepares deep assault on workers’...

By Shannon Jones Jun 8, 2022 As the war in Ukraine continues into its fourth month the Ukrainian parliament is set to enact a major revision...

Selon le politologue Pascal Perrineau, le vote des électeurs de gauche...

LES CLÉS DE L’ÉLYSÉE. Pascal Perrineau, politologue, auteur de « Cette France de gauche qui vote FN », paru aux éditions du Seuil en...

Oppose the right-wing campaign against vaccination!

Note: We reproduce here an article of WSWS although we have reservations on some points, because it contains some quite important "food for thought"...

Forging a new global workers’ movement

By Immanuel Ness* Aug. 5, 2021 Organizing Insurgency (2021) argues that the contemporary era of imperialism is marked by the extension of exploitation of Southern workers in...

Bangladesh factory owner among those arrested after over 50 workers die...

Jul 10, 2021 New details of breaches of safety regulations and the suspected use of child labor have emerged as Bangladesh deals with the aftermath...

La Covid-19 et les conditions de travail | par Jacques Sapir

Jun 11, 2021 Alors que se lèvent la plupart des restrictions liées à la Covid-19, il convient de revenir sur ses conséquences. L’impact de la crise...