Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
Les Allemands voulaient faire la révolution, mais ils avaient peur de la faire, alors ils l'ont confiée à Hitler.
Wilhelm Reich
Non, il n'est...
Jun 25, 2024
The sudden death of a historic newspaper of the Greek Left, of daily Avgi, was announced on Tuesday. The newspaper politically affiliated...
par Dimitris Georgopoulos
Apr. 30, 2024
Les prix élevés ponctionnent les revenus des citoyens turcs, en particulier dans les grandes villes, provoquant un mécontentement explosif, qui...
by Dimitris Georgopoulos
High prices are reaping the incomes of Turkish citizens, especially in the big cities, causing explosive discontent, which was also reflected in...
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
10 November 2023
A number of frontline cadres followed by many cadres and members (real ones, not like Kasselakis' voters) strongly disagreed...
Speaking at the french media BFMTV, Melenchon said that Alexis Tsipras is «one of the most hideous politicians in Europe».
This answer was given after...