Saturday, 27 July , 2024


Billionaires are lining up to fund Donald Trump’s anti-democratic agenda

The more disturbing Trump’s public proclamations become, the more US plutocrats seem to want him to win By Robert Reich Nov 21, 2023 As an ever-greater portion...

The Fools On Capitol Hill

Washington is run by Israel’s proxies. By Philip Giraldi Americans remain largely ignorant about the extent to which foreign influence pervades the United States government, and...

Even if he comes to power, Trump will not end conflict...

Nikolay Azarov warned that the US authorities will be doing their utmost to keep the conflict going MOSCOW, November 20. /TASS/. Former US President Donald...

Warnings Grow That US Media Again Failing to Accurately Cover Trump’s...

"If it wasn't already clear, our democracy is in very serious danger." By Jessica Corbett Nov 13, 2023 Former U.S. President Donald Trump is the GOP front-runner...

Channeling Hitler, Trump threatens to “root out” leftist “vermin”

By Patrick Martin Nov. 14, 2023 In a statement Saturday on his social media platform and then in a campaign speech that night in New Hampshire,...

The Gaza Genocide Continues

Israel is an unrestrained monster that endangers all of us By Philip Giraldi* November 4, 2023 Mainstream media and official government commentary on the violence in Gaza...

The Abraham Accords, Expression of a Fundamentalist Religious Alliance

The war in Gaza has overshadowed the normalisation agreements signed in 2020 between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Morocco. Beyond its geopolitical...

Trump and American Fascists support Israeli ones

US Republicans pledge support for Israel amid war with Hamas Former president Donald Trump told the Republican Jewish Coalition event he would "defend our friend...

Ukraine, Palestine, Taiwan. The course to World War and how to...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos If Russia had realised in time the depth and systemic nature of the aggression and intransigence of the Western capitalist-imperialist system, it...

Trump caused the Gaza crisis; Biden makes it worse

By Eric Zuesse On September 14th, just weeks before the October 7th Hamas attack against Israel, the U.S. Government’s Rhodesist (or “neoconservative”) Wilson Center headlined...