Tuesday, 22 October , 2024


Scottish Greens call for super-tax on private jets

By Matt Kerr July 26, 2023 THE Scottish Greens have called on the SNP-Green Scottish government to levy a “super-tax” on private jets. The demand for a...

Le blog de Economistes Parlement Union Populaire | Le Club de...

Oui, l’inflation s’explique bien par une boucle prix – profits ! 10 juin 2022 Par Economistes Parlement Union Populaire | 4 recommandés L'auteur...

Biden decides to shelve Warren’s wealth tax

The president’s Build Back Better initiative will rely on other pay-fors instead. By MEGAN CASSELLA and NATASHA KORECKI 03/30/2021 President Joe Biden will not call for a...

Taxing more from the rich is difficult. This is how to...

Well-intentioned proposals for a fairer system can fall at practical hurdles. But these two reforms really would help us repair a broken economy By James...

Sedition By Other Means: Corporate Executives and Lobbyists Routinely Undermine Democracy...

The corporate assault on democracy hasn't been as violent as the pro-Trump mob who stormed the Capitol. And it's entirely legal. But it's arguably...

Tax havens: patience is running out

by Eva Joly 20th November 2020 Did people really hope that the club of rich countries that is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development...

Report finds US corporations paid “zero to negative” income tax rate...

By Jessica Goldstein 18 December 2019 Three hundred and seventy-nine highly profitable Fortune 500 corporations in the United States paid an average effective federal income...

Thomas Piketty : “Il faut rétablir l’impôt sur la fortune”

Apri 27, 2020 L'économiste Thomas Piketty est l'invité d'Hélène Roussel et de Yaël Goosz. Au-delà d'un rétablissement de l'ISF, l'économiste Thomas Piketty juge qu'il faut...

L’OCDE, ce cadre bien peu inclusif pour réformer la fiscalité internationale

17 févr. 2020 Construit sur les pratiques impériales, le régime fiscal international a toujours été contraire aux intérêts des pays en développement. L'orientation des réformes...

What’s wrong with inequality?

This week we speak to Thomas Piketty, an economist and the author of “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” and “Capital and Ideology” Feb 13th 2020 THE...