Saturday, 27 July , 2024


Poll confirms Greece’s political system is in crisis

By Sarantis Michalopoulos Jul 5, 2024 Languages: Français A new poll broadcast on Thursday evening (4 July) showed that an all-time high abstention rate in the...

From Germany in 1933 to France in 2024. The deception of...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos The Germans wanted to make a revolution but they were afraid to do it, so they had Hitler do it. Wilhelm Reich No, it...

De l’Allemagne de 1933 à la France de 2024. L’imposture de...

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos  Les Allemands voulaient faire la révolution, mais ils avaient peur de la faire, alors ils l'ont confiée à Hitler. Wilhelm Reich Non, il n'est...

Sudden death of Avgi: Kasselakis closes historic daily of SYRIZA

Jun 25, 2024 The sudden death of a historic newspaper of the Greek Left, of daily Avgi, was announced on Tuesday. The newspaper politically affiliated...

Erdogan sous pression. Un point de vue grec

par Dimitris Georgopoulos Apr. 30, 2024 Les prix élevés ponctionnent les revenus des citoyens turcs, en particulier dans les grandes villes, provoquant un mécontentement explosif, qui...

Erdogan under pressure. A view from Greece

by Dimitris Georgopoulos High prices are reaping the incomes of Turkish citizens, especially in the big cities, causing explosive discontent, which was also reflected in...

The Greek Left and the adoption of children by homosexuals

The Greek Left is deeply divided on the question of the marriage of homosexuals and of the adoption of children by homosexuals. SYRIZA, PASOK...

A US “agent” and LGBTQ+ activist Kasselakis destroys SYRIZA

“Me and Tyler will change Greece,” says Kasselakis despite uncertain future in SYRIZA Feb 19, 2024 “Me and Tyler will change Greece,” said the leader of...

SYRIZA is falling apart after 9 more MPs leave the left-wing...

Nov 23. 2023 Νine lawmakers of left-wing SYRIZA announced on Thursday morning that they break way from Greece’s main opposition party seeking to form their...

Things fall apart; SYRIZA cannot hold

Left-wing faction breaks away from SYRIZA Nov. 12, 2023 “Umbrella,” the left-wing faction of the main opposition SYRIZA party, led by former Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos,...