Wednesday, 23 October , 2024

Snowden Edward

Belmarsh Tribunal puts US government’s 21st-century crimes on trial

Journalists, campaigners and politicians demand the Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange's release Oct. 22, 2021 Photo: Progressive International A PEOPLE’s tribunal putting the US government on trial...

‘Like remote-controlling your arm against you’: Snowden says Apple won’t decide...

2 Sep, 2021 NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has dissected Apple's phone-scanning plan, saying it not only blurs the line between what is and isn't private,...

‘Snowden was right’: Celebration and calls for pardon after European court...

25 May, 2021 After winning a landmark ruling against the UK’s GCHQ spy agency, activist groups praised former NSA contractor Edward Snowden for blowing the...

Snowden Says ‘Downing’ Aircraft to Arrest Dissidents Should Always Be Opposed

May 24, 2021 WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - US whistleblower Edward Snowden said on Monday that grounding of aircraft to arrest dissidents should be opposed no matter...

As Anger Toward Belarus Mounts, Recall the 2013 Forced Landing of...

By Glenn Greenwald, Glenn Greenwald's Substack 24 May 21 What Belarus did, while illegal, is not unprecedented. The dangerous tactic was pioneered by the same U.S....

With Biden’s New Threats, the Russia Discourse is More Reckless and...

The U.S. media demands inflammatory claims be accepted with no evidence, while hacking behavior routinely engaged in by the U.S. is depicted as aberrational. by...

Snowden warns government surveillance amid COVID-19 could be long lasting

Governments could look for reasons to continue tracking people's activity, he says. By Abrar Al-Heeti March 26, 2020 Edward Snowden on Monday warned that high-tech surveillance measures governments...

Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden nominated for the 2020...

fasdfa Żaklin Nastić (MdB): I am one of a total of 17 members of our parliamentary group who have nominated Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward...

Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, nominés pour le Prix Nobel

6 février 2020 “Je fais partie des 17 membres de notre groupe parlementaire qui ont proposé la candidature de Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning et Edward...

The prosecution of Glenn Greenwald and the global war on free...

23 January 2020 The “criminal conspiracy” charges levelled by the Brazilian government against Intercept Brasil publisher and renowned investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald is the latest...