Saturday, 7 September , 2024


The flat-Earth conspiracy is spreading around the globe. Does it hide...

By Rob Picheta, CNN November 18, 2019 "I don't want to be a flat Earther," David Weiss says, his voice weary as he reflects on his...

The approach of the World Socialist Web Site to science

By Bryan Dyne 2 November 2020 The WSWS is publishing the speeches delivered by leading members of the ICFI and contributors to the WSWS at the...

A top scientist questioned virus lockdowns on Fox News. The backlash...

By Peter Jamison Dec. 16, 2020 The epidemiologist sitting before the cameras spoke with calm authority. It was late March, and as the coronavirus spread across...

Identity politics, the far right, and masks

by Eoin McDermott 2nd November 2020 With the rise of the far right it is worth considering the issue of identity politics and the left....

Top world scientists: Stop Donald Trump!

On November 3, Vote to End Attacks on Science Choosing Donald Trump for president is choosing fiction over fact—a fatal mistake October 9, 2020 Instead of thinking...

The dumbing down of America

By Carl Sagan October 19, 2020 Extract from, "The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark" - 1995 - By  Carl Sagan. I have a foreboding...

The Great Barrington Declaration: Capitalism’s global policy of herd immunity

Note: We reproduce the following article, first published in because of the very important pieces of information included. But we do not adopt...

From Scientist-Politicians to an Anti-Science Demagogue: America’s Tragic Descent Into Madness

By Wayne Madsen October 12, 2020 Several of the founders of the United States were gifted scientists and scholars of the Age of Enlightenment. Benjamin Franklin...

A pandemic of bad science

By Walter Scheirer Jul 20, 2020 ABSTRACT What can epidemiological models tell us about our potential exposure to COVID-19? What progress is being made with regard to...

« La Science n’est pas une option » – Communiqué de...

13.mai.2020 Recherche clinique et Covid-19 : la Science n’est pas une option Communiqué de l’Académie nationale de Médecine La vérité scientifique ne se décrète pas à l’applaudimètre....