Saturday, 27 July , 2024


Moscow Says US Financed Ukraine’s Plot to Assassinate Putin

Jul 14, 2024 MOSCOW, (Sputnik) - Ukraine’s plot to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin was financed by the United States, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria...

Meeting with Foreign Ministry senior officials

Jun 14, 2024 Vladimir Putin held a meeting with the senior officials of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: Mr President, colleagues, We are always pleased to see you at the Foreign...

Most Russians fear outbreak of WWIII survey

Roughly seven in ten named Moscow and Washington as the main parties in a potential global conflict Jun 16, 2024 RT Around 60% of Russians are concerned...

Duda’s Call For “Decolonizing” Russia Proved That Putin Was Right To...

By Andrew Korybko Jun 16, 2024 Polish President Duda called for the “decolonization” of Russia literally one day after President Putin warned about this plot. Such...

Russian army forays into the bordering Kharkiv region and its strategy...

By Dmitri Kovalevich 27 May 2024 Shortly after the inauguration of Russian president Vladimir Putin on May 7 for another seven-year term, the Russian armed forces...

Russian peacekeepers start withdrawing from Azerbaijan’s Karabakh region

By Andrew Osborn and Nailia Bagirova April 17, 2024 Russian peacekeepers have begun withdrawing from Azerbaijan's Karabakh and other regions, ending a multi-year deployment which gave...

Russia-Kazakhstan floods: Is climate change warming the Ural Mountains and western...

Reserach papers note that the Urals are indeed warming; as is Kazakhstan, a former Soviet Republic and among the largest countries globally by area By...

Five articles on Al. Buzgalin and the Soviet/Russian Perestroika/Katastroika

Aleksandr Buzgalin and his time. The Soviet/Russian tragedy Do we need Marxism? Marxism and Stalinism USSR 1989-91: The “democratic counter-revolution” of the nomenklatura Marxism, nation and nationalism,...

From Moscow to Damascus: The art of provocation

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Some days ago we had a serious terrorist attack in Moscow. We have already addressed this attack and the false narratives regarding...

The presidential election in Russia through the prism of Ukraine

By Dmitri Kovalevich * The March 15 to 17 presidential election in Russia dominated the Ukrainian information and political space throughout that month. Events at...