Friday, 7 March , 2025


After Greeks and British, now Italians reject neoliberal EU. Not many...

Italian election results: How the world's press reacted 5 March 2018 Italy's governing centre-left Democratic Party has seen disappointing losses in the election result, while the...

Options narrow for Matteo Renzi after Sicily poll loss

Former Italian prime minister plots comeback but resurgent centre-right scents chance Appearing on an Italian talk show this week, former prime minister Matteo Renzi was...

Referendum in Italy: flares of popular revolt

It is important both because of its content as well as for the symbolic meaning it has assumed. The strokes of the counter reform against the constitution fall very hard. The newly conceived Senate (Upper House), for instance, retains important powers (such as on constitutional questions, in the relations with the EU, about local authorities, the election of the president, etc.), but should no longer be elected. The Senate was thus not abolished, as

Renzi on Italy and the EU

A Conversation With Matteo Renzi. Matteo Renzi discusses the political and economic issues facing Italy and the European Union

Italy, Russia – notes on the St. Petersburg Forum 2016, by...

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi was the only western leader attending the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Some events are not accidental, especially if they are followed by far-reaching consequences.

STIGLITZ: Italy could be the ‘cataclysmic event’ that leads to the...

By Will Martin Europe is heading towards a "cataclysmic event" that could lead to the collapse of the euro and the end of the European project...