Thursday, 18 April , 2024

Pope Francis

The Pope protests for the suffering of Christians in the Middle...

Pope condemns ‘complicit silence’ in suffering of Middle East Christians By Claire Giangravè Jul 7, 2018 ROME - Like lights in the darkness, Christians facing persecution in...

Pope Francis: Not one word on the Imminent Danger of Nuclear...

Pope Francis, presiding at a Good Friday service, asked God for forgiveness for scandals in the Catholic Church and for the "shame" of humanity...

Bernie Sanders speech at the Vatican

“The Urgency of a Moral Economy: Reflections on the 25th Anniversary of Centesimus Annus”   I am honoured to be with you today and was pleased to...

Marxist-Christian Symposium on Common Challenges in Europe

By Michael Löwy The election of Pope Francis obviously created a new climate for the relations between the Church and the European Left. At the...

Bernie Sanders goes to Vatican

Bernie Sanders to preach against 'the idolatry of money' during Vatican visit Vermont senator hopes to align campaign with issues Pope Francis has raised in...