Saturday, 27 July , 2024

Pompeo Mike

Is the Tide Finally Starting to Turn on Covid as an...

By Ron Unz October 4, 2021 During the last eighteen months, I think I’ve stood nearly alone on the Internet in arguing that the late 2019...

The Most Confounding Part of Bob Woodward’s New Trump Book Is...

It’s heavy on scoops and light on analysis. By Fred Kaplan Sept 21, 2021 September is the month of renewed beginnings: the autumn equinox, the start...

Netanyahu urged Trump to attack Iran after he lost the presidency

Jul 16, 2021 Former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged Donald Trump to launch a military strike against Iran after it was clear that the former...

Pompeo Says Russia Needs to ‘See the Pain’, Blasts Biden for...

by Ilya Tsukanov Jul 11, 2021 The Trump-era CIA chief and secretary of state has spent months attacking the current administration on a range of domestic...

Lethal Heat Hits the Planet

by Robert Hunziker June 28, 2021 Photograph Source: Bill Smith – CC BY 2.0 The news does not get much worse than a recent scientific report that...

Oil Fuels Guyana’s Internecine Conflict

31 Mar 2021 Guyana’s historically oppressed peoples direct their hostility at each other while neo-imperial powers hide in plain sight and reap the country’s wealth. “Claims...

Pompeo warns that Biden rejoining Iran accord would be bad for...

By Mark Moore March 14, 2021 Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned that if President Biden rejoins the Iran nuclear deal he would put the...

Pompeo: the new leader of the international Anti-China Far Right

Pompeo Calls on Biden to Acknowledge CCP’s Role in Pandemic After Memo Release By Isabel van Brugen January 27, 2021 Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is...

Pompeo’s Scorched Earth Campaign

By Daniel Larison January 14, 2021 Paul Pillar comments on Mike Pompeo’s latest string of destructive acts and dishonest claims as Trump’s term comes to...

US Cuts Off Telephone Line to Russian Consulate in New York

Jan.19, 2021 This is not the first time the Trump administration takes actions against Russian diplomatic missions in the US. Back in 2017, Washington decided...