Saturday, 27 July , 2024

Orwell George

An Open Letter to Maria Svart, National Director of the Democratic...

By David North 22 May 2021 Maria Svart National Director Democratic Socialists of America May 22, 2021 Dear Ms. Svart, On May 17, the World Socialist Web Site reported that during...

Les Cahiers du Mouvememt Ouvrier

A propos des Cahiers Ce site ouvert 20 ans après la parution du n°1 des Cahiers du Mouvement Ouvrier, met en ligne tous les numéros...

Orwell & Huxley were BOTH right, Roger Waters tells RT

26 Oct, 2019 With the mainstream media largely content to ignore the plight of Julian Assange, did George Orwell or Aldous Huxley better predict the...