Wednesday, 23 October , 2024

Net Neutrality

Construire le mur de fer | par Chris Hedges

18-03-2018 Le sénateur du Texas Ted Cruz, ainsi que 18 membres de la Chambre des représentants – 15 députés Républicains et 3 Démocrates – ont...

Building the Iron Wall

By Chris Hedges Mar 18, 2018 Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, along with 18 members of the House of Representatives—15 Republicans and three Democrats—has sent a...

Internet Totalitarianism: Shaping Minds and Ideas

The end of net neutrality and the fight to defend the free internet The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted Thursday to overturn rules, known...

‘By the people, for the people’: Kim Dotcom to launch alternative...

Kim Dotcom, wanted in the US for alleged widespread illegal file sharing, has vowed to build an alternative internet to combat privacy and freedom...