Friday, 20 September , 2024


Le mauvais calcul du nationalisme bourgeois arménien

Aug 27, 2024 Désormais grand protégé de Macron, le premier Ministre arménien Nicol Pachinian en est à revendiquer une portion de territoire « arménien » située en...

Marxism, nation and nationalism, Western and Russian Left

by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos This is the fourth of four articles on Alexandr Buzgalin and his era, the Soviet/Russian tragedy. You can read the three preceding...

Schäuble’s ideas on Nazism, Palestine, Ukraine and Imperialism

German imperialism’s new drive for world power By Johannes Stern 7 November 2019 For weeks, the media and establishment politicians in Germany have been denouncing criticism of...

Greece: SYRIZA commits suicide (with American help)

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 10 November 2023 A number of frontline cadres followed by many cadres and members (real ones, not like Kasselakis' voters) strongly disagreed...

Peace has no meaningful alternative. Four theses

By Tamás Krausz (*) First thesis Even though the imperialism of the 21st century is connected to the developments of the 20th century with a thousand...

Values in the Modern World. What Is Their Balance for Genuine...

Sixth Session of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club How can we ensure a fair balance in the new world – not...

The world and Russia, Russia and the world – The rise...

Second of two articles. Read Part I here Second part of the text based on the speech of the author to a debate held in...

Le drame d’Alstom témoigne du déclin du patriotisme des élites en...

Une tribune de Jean-Pierre Chevènement, parue dans Le Figaro, le 5 juin 2019. Belfort, dont le nom symbolise l’esprit de résistance, se bat à nouveau...

Hungary: Politics in the trap of History

by Tamás Krausz (*) The results of  yesterday's Hungarian parliamentary elections outdid even the most pessimistic expectations of the Left. Fidesz, the ruling conservative party,...

In Memoriam : Une bougie s’éteint et le monde s’assombrit

Claude Karnoouh... Né le 25 mars 1940 à Paris, décédé à Bucarest le 12 septembre 2021. Spécialiste d'anthropologie culturelle et politique, de philosophie de...