Wednesday, 23 October , 2024

Dinucci Manlio

Agent Zelensky : L’Ukraine en liquidation

par Manlio Dinucci «Zelensky relance la guerre à la corruption. Tolérance zéro contre les corrompus et ceux qui s’enrichissent avec la guerre» : ainsi titre...

Nuclear Euromissiles Are Back

By Manlio Dinucci November 20, 2020 Over five years ago we titled in the Manifesto ((9 June 2015) “Are missiles returning to Comiso? (Sicily).” This hypothesis was...

The strategy of controlled chaos

Like a steamroller, the United States and NATO are extending to the world the Rumsfeld/Cebrowski strategy for the destruction of the state structures of...

The Dark Side of 5G: Military Use

By Manlio Dinucci September 18, 2020 The September 12 demonstration “Stop 5G” in Rome rightly focuses on the possible electromagnetic consequences for health and environment, in...

Chi c’è dietro la giudice che processa Assange

L'arte della guerra. Coinvolta in diversi conflitti di interessi a causa dei suoi legami familiari, la giudice che decide sulle sorti di Assange è...

NATO at the Helm of Italian Foreign Policy

By Manlio Dinucci Global Research, June 26, 2020 NATO Defense Ministers (Lorenzo Guerini, Pd representing Italy) gathered by videoconference on June17/18, and made a series of...

Guerre à la guerre : Pandémie de la dépense militaire

Par Manlio Dinucci 5 mai 2020 Chaque minute sont dépensés environ 4 millions de dollars dans le monde à des fins militaires. C’est ce qu’indiquent les...

Giulietto Chiesa on the Front Line Until the End | By...

April 28, 2020 Giulietto Chiesa died a few hours after concluding the April 25th International Conference “Let’s Get Rid of War Virus”  on the 75th...

L’ultimo intervento di Giulietto Chiesa con Manlio Dinucci (25 Aprile 2020)

L'ultimo intervento di Giulietto Chiesa, andato in onda via web con Manlio Dinucci, il giorno prima del suo decesso Also read Giulietto Chiesa (1940-2020): An intellectual...

In a Europe closed down by the Coronavirus, the EU opens...

30,000 US soldiers are currently disembarking in the European Union without respecting the sanitary measures ordered by Brussels and the member States. Either the...