Tuesday, 23 April , 2024


Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s Political Nightmare: a Neo-Nazi ‘Phenomenon’ Made in the...

By Edu Montesanti October 26, 2018 Not even the military dictatorship defended an ideology which is so openly fascist like Bolsonaro does today. He does not...

Rupture dans la contribution en cours

19 Décembre 2018 Après la « Contribution à la rupture en cours » que nous publiions le 7 décembre dernier, les mêmes auteurs poursuivent ici leur analyse du...

Intention de vote aux européennes : Le mois en jaune profite...

21/12/2018 1) Le RN est le grand (et unique) gagnant du mois en jaune (24% et +3 pts en 3 mois) et remporterait aujourd’hui les...

Rome vs. Brussels. Economic policies of the “Radical”-Far Right

Comment on the dispute between the Italian government and the European Commission on Italy's draft budget 2019 by Klaus Draeger* Dec.9, 2018 On macro-economics the Italian government...

McCarthyism: After Russian spies everywhere, now we have the Chinese!

Witch hunt in Australia against Chinese-born parliamentarian By Peter Symonds 12 December 2018 Over the past week, an extraordinary media campaign of smear and innuendo has...

Qui est Etienne Chouard, chantre du référendum d’initiative citoyenne et coqueluche...

Décrié à gauche pour son ouverture à l'extrême droite, cet enseignant en éco-gestion est prisé des "gilets jaunes" grâce à ses travaux sur la réforme des...

The ghost of 1789 looms over France and Europe

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos  December 14th, 2018 "No Christmas this year" is written on the placard of a protester in Toulouse, the “ville rose” of Southwest France,...

Jeremy Corbyn at European Socialists Congress: EU Support for Austerity Behind...

7 December 2018 "The far right feeds on fears fueled by falling living standards, damaged communities, insecure work and underfunded public services." British opposition Labour Party...

Trump and France: A ridiculous President, a notorious liar

Falling for “Les Fake News,” Trump Spreads Lie French Protesters Chant His Name By Robert Mackey December 8, 2018 Donald Trump is so vain he really thinks...

Yellow Vests Rise Against Neo-Liberal ‘King’ Macron

For centuries, the “left” hoped popular movements would lead to changes for the better. Today, many leftists seem terrified of popular movements for change,...