Friday, 3 May , 2024


Class, State and Nation in the 21st Century

Please find here, the final programme for the 14th Forum of the World Association for Political Economy on 'Class, State and Nation in the...

Marta Harnecker, The Fighter

By Farooque Chowdhury 18 June 2019 A relentless fighter, comrade Marta Harnecker (1937 – 2019) made valuable contributions in the areas of theory related to revolution...

Jeremy Corbyn and the UK’s Moment in History

While the media are concentrated on Tory shenanigans, Labour Party members must seize the chance to turn Corbyn’s insurgency into a decisive force, says...

Marta Harnecker (1937-2019)

Jun 16, 2019 We mourn the passing of our dear comrade, Marta Harnecker. The statement is from Harnecker’s article, “Latin America and Twenty-First Century Socialism:...

A crushing defeat of the “radical Left”

By Klaus Dräger Note: What follows is not a thorough analysis of what happened in the last European elections, but just a first look at the...

Après les européennes, la crise s’épaissit

Les élections sont passées, avec leurs certitudes et leurs surprises. L’extrême droite et LREM en tête, les autres loin derrière. Surtout la gauche. Une gauche...

Espagne: débâcle pour Podemos et ses mairies « indignées » aux...

Podemos, qui avait conquis en 2015 les plus grandes villes espagnoles avec les autres mouvements de gauche radicale, a perdu ces municipalités et essuyé...

Why it’s important to connect anti-imperialism to climate action

Climate strikes give me hope that the future may be saved. In London, they have to be the largest protests I have ever seen in...

As the far-right wins Indian elections, progressive forces vow to resist

The NDA alliance led by far-right party BJP achieved a landslide victory in the historic Indian parliamentary elections May 23, 2019 by Peoples Dispatch The National Democratic Alliance...

Spain’s socialists regaining ground as rising right-wing party bites off chunk...

28 Apr, 2019 Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez’ socialist party PSOE is set to come out on top in Sunday’s elections, but it’ll have to form...