Wednesday, 23 October , 2024

Lafontaine Oscar

Schröder und Lafontaine haben bei Gespräch Kontroverses ausgeklammert

Fast ein Vierteljahrhundert sind sich Altbundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder und Ex-SPD-Chef Oskar Lafontaine aus dem Weg gegangen. Im Mai kam es zum Versöhnungstreffen. Jetzt hat...

A New Left Party in Germany in times of a structural...

by Harri Gruenberg (*) Germany is in a deep crisis. The economic crisis that has been shaking Germany for some time is reaching a new...

Grecia: la traición de Tsipras a su pueblo

Y las fuerzas que están detrás de todo esto por Dimitri Konstantakopoulos, Sandro Cruz Oct 6, 2015 Se ha hablado mucho de Grecia estos tiempos, de deuda,...

What does it mean to be on the right side of...

Anyone who corners a nuclear power is acting irresponsibly. US President John F. Kennedy already knew that by Oskar Lafontaine 23 December 2022 In his government statement...

Lafontaine: Americans out of Europe, Dismantle NATO !

German Stateman, Oscar Lafontaine, goes off on EU Leaders, NATO & the US. Germany has found itself reaping the consequences of the crisis in Ukraine,...

Oscar LaFontaine: “Germany is Acting as an American vassal in the...

Aug. 30, 2022 For the vast majority of German politicians and journalists, the war in Ukraine began on February 24, 2022. From this point of...

“Les Etats-Unis ne veulent pas la paix”

Sur la guerre en Ukraine, la hausse des prix « verts » et la mauvaise orientation du Parti de gauche. Un entretien avec Oskar Lafontaine Entretien : Jan...

‘The U.S. doesn’t want peace’

Originally published: junge Welt May 21, 2022 by Jan Greve Jan Greve: Russia’s war against Ukraine is now taking almost three months. The federal government’s answer...

»Die USA wollen keinen Frieden«

Über den Ukraine-Krieg, »grüne« Preistreiberei und den falschen Kurs der Linkspartei. Ein Gespräch mit Oskar Lafontaine Interview: Jan GreveDer Krieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine dauert...

1914-2022: The degeneration of the Left opens the way to Fascism...

The full text of the recent declaration of the historic leader of the German Left Oscar  Lafontaine is as follows: Today I resigned from the...