Wednesday, 23 October , 2024

Karaivaz George

European Parliament concerned about very serious threats to EU values in...

The European Parliament raised on Wednesday the alarm over several worrying developments in Greece threatening the rule of law, and called on the Commission...

Greece: The erosion of media freedom in the birthplace of democracy

Analysis: While steep decline in press freedom may have petered out, myriad of challenges remain By IPI Europe Advocacy Officer Jamie Wiseman Jan 10, 2024 All is...

Supprimer la démocratie amènera la mafia au pouvoir

Par Dimitris Georgopoulos 10/04/2021 Un journaliste et blogueur grec a été abattu devant sa maison à Athènes, ont rapporté vendredi les médias grecs citant la police,...

Suppressing democracy will bring Mafia to power

By Dimitris Georgopoulos A Greek journalist and blogger was shot dead in front of his house in Athens, Greek media citing police reported Friday, raising...