Tuesday, 22 October , 2024


‘Unforgivable Killing’ – Millions Mourn Haniyeh around the World

Aug. 2, 2024 Millions of people took part in funeral prayers in absentia for Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of the Palestinian...

From Alexis Tsipras to Marine Le Pen and Jean – Luc...

Nine years ago, on April 13th, 2015, overturning the result of the referendum that he himself had provoked, the leader of the Greek (and...

D’Alexis Tsipras à Marine Le Pen et Jean-Luc Mélenchon. La crise...

Il y a neuf ans, le 13 juillet 2015, renversant le résultat du référendum qu'il avait lui-même provoqué, le leader de la "gauche radicale"...

Are deep shifts in Muslim and Jewish voting here to stay?

By Aleem Maqbool Jul 6, 2024 However big the headline change in the vote between the past two elections, drill down into two demographic pockets of Britain...

Israel’s alliance with Europe’s fascists

The marriage between the Israeli government and European parties that demonise Muslims in the same way the far-right groups nurtured hatred for the Jews is...

Trying terrorism in Moscow, lobotomizing people in Greece and the West,...

by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos On Saturday at 7:30 in the morning, while drinking my coffee, I was inspired, as I usually do, to turn on the...

October Revolution: The first general recognition of women’s equality in History

The land of the October revolution: a country of women walking on the road to emancipation By Armağan Tulunay Take the position of women. In this...

Inconsistencies Between Arabic and English Broadcast Programming: Al Jazeera Walks a...

By Nizar Nemer Dec 25, 2023 Although Al Jazeera has become a top choice for those who want to follow the developments of the “Israeli” aggression...

Iran’s Khamenei urges Muslim states to cut political ties with Israel...

DUBAI, Nov 19 (Reuters) - Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appealed to Muslim states with political ties with Israel to at least cut...

Gulf leaders oppose Iran’s calls to arm Palestinians, cut ties with...

State leaders attending an 'emergency' summit on Gaza over the weekend in Riyadh did not agree on a final statement, as some have refused...