Monday, 29 April , 2024


Could War With Iran Be an October Surprise?

By Jonah Shepp Jul 19, 2020 Over the past few weeks, a series of suspicious fires and explosions have occurred at Iranian civilian and military facilities,...

Experts blame Israel for the recent explosions. Why won’t Iran?

By Farhad Rezaei July 23, 2020 Since late June, there have been dozens of fires and explosions at or near nuclear, military, and industrial facilities in...

Iran “felt Joy” When Hagia Sophia Was Converted

by Paul Antonopoulos Jul 12 2020 At a time when the news of the conversion of the Hagia Sophia from a museum to a mosque was...

Une guerre gréco-turque est-elle possible ? Ses implications potentielles pour l’UE,...

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Jul18, 2020 Dans un article précédent, nous avons discuté de la décision d'Ankara de transformer Sainte-Sophie en mosquée dans le contexte stratégique plus...

US Officials Speak at Iran Regime Change Conference

Conference hosted by controversial Iranian opposition group MEK Posted on July 19, 2020Categories An exiled Iranian opposition group held its annual Free Iran conference online...

Is a Greek – Turkish War possible? Its potential implications for...

Βy Dimitris Konstantakopoulos In a previous article we discussed the decision of Ankara to turn Hagia Sophia into a mosque in the wider and changing...

Israel Hoping to Start a War With Iran Before US Elections

Sabotages meant to provoke an Iranian reaction Posted oJuly 16, 2020Categories Tags Recent rounds of sabotage attacks against Iranian targets have been consistently blamed on...

Transformer Sainte-Sophie en mosquée: Une nouvelle crise en Méditerranée orientale

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 12/07/2020 La décision du régime turc de faire de Sainte-Sophie, l'un des plus importants monuments de la chrétienté, une mosquée ne peut être...

Turning Hagia Sophia into a mosque: A new crisis in Eastern...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos The decision of the Turkish regime to make Hagia Sophia, one of the most important monuments of Christendom, a mosque can only...

Iran Admits Fire in Natanz Is a Setback to Centrifuge Program

Fire did considerable damage to above-ground lab Posted on July 5, 2020ries Tags Last week, an incident of “sabotage” was reported on the site of Iran’s...