Monday, 17 February , 2025

information wars

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L’initiative «No Billag» menace la sécurité de la Suisse

Par Alexis Pfefferlé, 5 novembre 2017 La radio-télévision publique est un élément vital de notre souveraineté, explique Alexis Pfefferlé, spécialiste du renseignement économique. En contrôlant...


The United States is, by far, the world’s most aggressive nation when it comes to cyberspying and cyberwarfare. The National Security Agency has been eavesdropping on foreign cities, politicians, elections and entire countries since it first turned on its receivers in 1952. Just as other countries, including Russia, attempt to do to the United States. What is new is a country leaking the intercepts back to the public of the target nation through a middleperson.