Saturday, 27 July , 2024


Stop the war, stop sending arms to Ukraine, negotiate and do...

Jul. 11, 2022 The war in Ukraine is continuing, unabated for four months now, causing vast destruction of life and property of the people of...

Arrêtez la guerre, arrêtez d’envoyer des armes à l’Ukraine, négociez et...

Jul. 11, 2022 La guerre en Ukraine se poursuit, sans relâche depuis quatre mois maintenant, causant d'énormes pertes en vies humaines, la destruction tout aussi...

Sudan: Conflict Claims Thousands of Lives, Displaces Millions, UN

"Over 6 million people have been displaced internally, while almost 2 million refugees have fled to neighboring countries. Nearly 24 million people need aid." Apr....

Just skin and bone: The starving Gaza children kept in incubators...

By Perkin Amalaraj 28 March 2024 The toddler's frail, malnourished body scarcely twitched as she lay helplessly in an incubator chamber in the already-decimated Gaza hospital. Leila...

World Court Orders Israel to Ease Grip on Gaza Aid

by Will Porter Mar 28, 2024 The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered Israel to relax its blockade on aid shipments into Gaza, saying Tel...

Sudan: A Gaza in Africa!

East Africa: UN for Support, Millions Face Food Insecurity Mar 20, 2024 Sudan and Ethiopia account for 20.3 million and 20.1 million food insecure people, respectively,...

Citing ‘Extreme Hunger’ in Gaza, Israel’s Top Food Security Official Calls...

Food security head Prof. Roni Strier, appointed by the previous government, warned that Israel is party to international agreements that require it to protect...

Starvation in Gaza: ‘If we stay like this for another week,...

A Palestinian from northern Gaza, where over half a million live in Israeli-imposed famine, speaks about the fear of imminent death from starvation By Lubna...

Gaza residents surviving off animal feed and rice as food dwindles

By Lucy Williamson BBC News, Jerusalem Feb 12, 2024 People living in the isolated north of Gaza have told the BBC that children are going without food...

The Atrocity Famine in Gaza Keeps Getting Worse

The worst can still be prevented, but there is no major international effort underway to make the attempt. By Daniel Larison 31 Ιαν 2024 Alex de Waal...