Wednesday, 23 October , 2024

Greek – US relations

After Alleged Police Brutality Shown, Greek PM Will Require Bodycams

Mar. 14, 2021 ATHENS - Accused of losing control of a COVID-19 lockdown that led to violent demonstrations that saw police accused of brutality and...

Regime Change in Greece

"If you ask me if there is an attempt of deviation of the regime, I will answer to you yes, but on an individual...

Grèce : Manifestations anti-gouvernementales massives, black-out médiatique massif

Par Andreas Maris 11/03/2021 Les médias internationaux, y compris ceux qui ont des correspondants en Grèce, ont imposé un black-out quasi total aux informations en provenance...

Greece: Massive anti-government demonstrations, massive news blackout

By Andreas Maris  International media, including media which have correspondents in Greece, have imposed a near total blackout to information coming from this country. This...

Greek Neonazis (and US Diplomacy)

Note: We are not in a position to confirm or deny all what is written in the following article, published in Covert Action Magazine,...

US diplomats act like imperial governors riding roughshod over sovereignty of...

By John Laughland 19 Jul, 2018 On the world’s Grand Chessboard, the US is fighting for control and influence. And there are countries where its ambassadors...

Russia understands that pressure was put on Greece in expulsion of...

Maria Zakharova expressed regrets over Greece’s decision, noting that such incidents in bilateral relations "don’t go unnoticed, don’t melt into thin air" July 18, 2018 Moscow...