Saturday, 27 July , 2024

Greek-Turkish relations

Cyprus condemns Turkish parliament’s resolution, calls it ‘historical distortion’

Jul 19, 2024 The Cypriot Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a statement on Friday, condemning a resolution by Turkey’s parliament which called for international recognition...

Greece Slams Turkey for Reopening Former Orthodox Church as Mosque

The Chora Museum, a former Greek Orthodox religious building dating back to the 4th century, was reopened to worshippers in Istanbul as a mosque,...

Erdogan sous pression. Un point de vue grec

par Dimitris Georgopoulos Apr. 30, 2024 Les prix élevés ponctionnent les revenus des citoyens turcs, en particulier dans les grandes villes, provoquant un mécontentement explosif, qui...

Erdogan under pressure. A view from Greece

by Dimitris Georgopoulos High prices are reaping the incomes of Turkish citizens, especially in the big cities, causing explosive discontent, which was also reflected in...

Erdogan’s White House Visit Cancelled: The Diplomatic Fallout Explained Amid Greek-Turkish...

Apr. 22, 2024 In a surprising turn of events, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's highly anticipated visit to the White House has been cancelled, sparking...

Turkey Threatens to Invade Greece and Armenia

by Michael Rubin Middle East Forum Observer February 12, 2024 In January 27, 2024, two days after the Biden administration again urged Congress to greenlight F-16 sales...

Turkey has threatened Greece with a loss of sovereignty over islands...

Abdullah Bozkurt/Stockholm Feb 28, 2024 Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan has issued a fresh threat to Greece by reiterating his predecessor’s claim that Greece’s sovereignty over...

Shareholders Make a Killing: the Same old Graeco-Turkish Story

By William Mallinson 28 January 2024 The American military-congressional-industrial complex thrives on overseas arms sales and, of course, stimulating war, perhaps the most blatant current examples...

Κazantzaki CELUI QUI DOIT MOURIR/Le Christ Recrucifié

A great masterpiece of the Greek writer NIKOS KAZANTZAKIS (whose body of work combines Camus, Dostoievski, Tolstoi, Nietzsche and Bergson) becomes transformed in the...

Cyprus and Kissinger: Death of an image

By William Mallinson* Can I do this? As the author of a recent book on Heinz Kissinger (the result of over twenty years of archival research),...