From Chi-Town bagman to ECOWAS chairman: meet the former money launderer...
By Alexander Rubinstein and Kit Klarenberg
August 5, 2023
Since the overthrow of Niger’s US-friendly government, West African nations of the ECOWAS bloc have threatened an...
France: Class and “race” hate, riots and the americanisation of the...
By Dimitris Scarpalezos
One first "americanisation" step was taken in France with the creation of "ghettos " of essentially foreign workers (whose majority and their families...
Mexico’s AMLO sent Biden letter blasting US ‘interventionism’ and funding of...
Mexico's President AMLO sent Joe Biden a letter condemning US "interventionism", such as USAID funding of right-wing opposition groups that are trying to destabilize...
Brazil: a victory in a tragedy underway
by Virgínia Fontes
1 January 2023
Lula’s victory raises many hopes, despite the alliances made too early with a motley array of forces, including those who...
Israel’s Latin American trail of terror
5 Jun 2003
Castao, who leads the Colombian paramilitaries, known by their Spanish acronym AUC, the largest right-wing paramilitary force to ever exist in the...
Ex-Honduran President Hernández Arrested on Drug Charges; U.S. Backed His Narco-State...
February 16, 2022
Authorities in Honduras have arrested former President Juan Orlando Hernández for allegedly smuggling over 1 million pounds of cocaine into the United...
The end of the narco-state in Honduras
By Fernando Esteche*
Dec 13, 2021
In 2009, a coup of a new kind was carried out in Honduras in order to disrupt the possibility of...
How the U.S. Lost the “Great Game” in Central Asia
By Aidan O’Brien
November 8, 2021
When the Soviet Union collapsed, the U.S. power elite saw an opportunity to take over the oil-rich region considered key...
Les États-Unis encouragent le trafic de drogue en Afghanistan
9 mars 2014
Pour la troisième année consécutive, l’Afghanistan occupé par l’OTAN a battu tous les records en matière de culture de pavot à opium....
World Finance chooses Salvador for the Bitcoin experiment
Salvadorans Protest Against Legalization of Bitcoin
Sep 7, 2021
On Tuesday, Salvadorans took to the streets to protest against the adoption of Bitcoin as a legal...