Saturday, 27 July , 2024


Mexican President Not to Attend a Non-Inclusive Americas Summit

"How can a summit be 'of America' without all the countries of America? From where are those who are not invited? Are they from...

Cuba Prepares for Disaster

By Don Fitz April 4, 2022 The September 2021 Scientific American included a description by the editors of the deplorable state of disaster relief in the...

Children Pay the Price of American Sanctions

By J.W. Rich* Posted on March 22, 2022 With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, calls have rung out from every corner of the U.S. foreign policy...

Por qué Cuba no tiene un movimiento antivacunas

Por Marc Vandepitte, Toon Danhieux 08/12/2021 Cada vez más, amplios sectores de la población europea expresan abiertamente su desconfianza hacia las políticas para combatir en...

CELAC 2022: Which strategy for integration?

By Facundo Escobar 01/12/2022 On January 7, the XXII Meeting of Foreign Ministers of CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) was held in Buenos...

Guantanamo Territory Should Be Returned to Cuba

By Ramona Wadi January 18, 2022 While the immediate implications of Guantanamo with regard to the U.S. violations at the base are of paramount importance, the...

Cuba now exporting Covid vaccines

After immunising its own population, Cuba’s own developed vaccines are to be marketed internationally, says ANDREAS KNOBLOCH AS RECENTLY as August and September, Cuba had...

Failure of US Media on Ukraine

by Ron Forthofer Posted on December 24, 2021 We need to constantly remind ourselves about the US media. During the Cold War, there was the...

Des personnalités réclament la fin du blocus et de la subversion...

Nov. 12, 2021 A la communauté internationale : Les États-Unis maintiennent un blocus contre Cuba depuis plus de soixante ans. Depuis les années 1990, Washington a adopté...

US government boldly scrutinized: Oliver Stone’s new JFK documentary is a...

By Michael McCaffrey* 12 Nov, 2021 Stone’s new documentary, ‘JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass’, isn’t perfect, but it’s vitally important. He goes back into the...