Saturday, 21 September , 2024


‘We are witnessing a crime against humanity’: Arundhati Roy on India’s...

It’s hard to convey the full depth and range of the trauma, the chaos and the indignity that people are being subjected to. Meanwhile,...

WHO warns European governments of Covid spike if curbs are eased...

By Jon Henley Apr. 29, 2021 The World Health Organization has warned European governments that relaxing Covid restrictions too soon could cause cases to spiral again,...

The COVID-19 Catastrophe in India Keeps Growing

by Vijay Prashad April 26, 2021 For Ashish Yechury (1986-2021), journalist Photograph Source: Gwydion M. Williams – CC BY 2.0 It is difficult to overstate the grip of...

German government proposes more rights for vaccinated people: What you need...

26 April 2021 On Monday Chancellor Angela Merkel and Germany’s 16 state premiers will discuss whether those who have been fully vaccinated should receive more...

Comment la bourse de New York s’est enrichie extrêmement avec la...

Par Nomi Prins 12 Janvier 2021 Parfois les choses n’ont de sens que lorsqu’on les voit à travers une loupe. Il se trouve que je pense...

Portuguese Alternatives

By Catarina Martins 20 April 2021 Back in 2017, you spoke to NLR about the confidence and supply agreement between the Bloco de Esquerda and the...

‘Collective West is living in fantasy land,’ Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman...

24 Apr, 2021 Western countries are living in a grim “fantasy land” they’ve created through years of anti-Russian propaganda, the outspoken Maria Zakharova told RT...

Earth Abuse and the Next Pandemic

by Stan Cox * April 21, 2021 photo:“Human Miasma” by Priti Gulati Cox: embroidery and graphite on khadi fabric. Humanity’s transgression of ecological limits has caused widespread...

Putin’s Key State-Of-The-Nation Address: “Swift & Tough” Response Coming For Those...

by Tyler Durden Apr 21, 2021 Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday gave his 17th annual state-of-the-nation address to a joint session of the Russian parliament in...

How the Pandemic Laid Bare the Cruelties of Capitalism

By Kenn Orphan * April 9, 2021 Photograph Source: Levon Avdoyan – CC BY 2.0 One thing this pandemic has demonstrated in stark terms is class struggle....