Saturday, 25 January , 2025


France: How the ‘positive’ role of colonisation is still discussed in...

The teaching of France's imperial past at school is hostage to an ideological framework that euphemises or obscures the abuses of the colonial era By...

Appel à former une coalition internationale humanitaire pour mettre fin à...

Jul 14, 2024 Le président de la Commission internationale de soutien au peuple palestinien, Salah Abdel Ati, a appelé, samedi à Alger, à la formation...

Michel Pablo et l’expérience soviétique

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos En lisant attentivement les multiples hommages, généralement élogieux, que la presse grecque a rendu à Michel Raptis (Pablo) lors de son...

The Revolutionary Life and Times of Michel Pablo

The Greek revolutionary Michel Pablo had a remarkable, globe-spanning career, from wartime resistance activity to his work supplying weapons and finance for the Algerian...

The Well-Dressed Revolutionary. The Odyssey of Michel Pablo

The Well-Dressed Revolutionary. The Odyssey of Michel Pablo in the age of uprisings. by Hall Greenland About the book Michael Pablo was a twentieth century revolutionary whose...

Remembering Jean Genet: the United States and Palestine

By Franklin Frederick " ... because I don't love the oppressed. I love those whom I love, who are always beautiful and sometimes oppressed, but...

Colombia Joins Algeria in International Criminal Court Complaint Against Netanyahu for...

Nov 10, 2023 Caracas (—Colombia has announced its decision to join Algeria in filing a complaint before the International Criminal Court (ICC) against the prime...

Maxime Rodinson: What Marxism Can Teach Us About the History of...

Between the nineteen fifties and nineties, Maxime Rodinson (1915–2004) was one of France’s most famous Arabists. Gifted with an admirable encyclopedic culture, author of...

Michel Pablo: The Arab Revolution

This is not meant to be a really complete and exhaustive report on the Arab revolution. It is rather an introduction to the question...

Le Général Dominique Delawarde Sur Les BRICS+, Les USA et Israel,...

Aug 25, 2023 JH : Quels sont les critères qui ont permis la sélection des 6 pays admis au brics, surtout que économiquement quel que...