The Message of the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Ieronymos to the leaders of Europe

The Archbishop of Athens and All Greece   Ieronymos, while visiting the refugees in the port of Piraeus stated:  “A year ago, our country reached the brink of financial bankruptcy.  Though lately is experiencing a worst bankruptcy, the bankruptcy of the European spirit. Worst of the economic is the ultimate bankruptcy of humanity and of European principles, due to lack of solidarity towards the refugee suffering. It is bankruptcy of civilized European, erecting walls on its borders, while leaving women and children helpless to fade away, walking the road of immigration. It is a betrayal of the Christian spirit of some Europeans. Solutions exist as long as we want to see them. Europe should reveal its principles, otherwise it will not be the Europe we know, but Europe as it ended up. Europe of exploitation…” and added: “Show your humanity and do not raise walls to your borders. These people are the images of Christ. Remember your fathers and your mothers who, in the recent history of this continent, sought refuge to escape the fury of war…” while referring to the European leaders said: “Do not forget today’s message of the Gospel which was heard in all Churches… I was hungry and you gave me food… I was thirsty and you gave me to drink… I was naked and you dressed me… I was in jail and you came to me. Amen. You took care of my brothers, you took care of Me”.