Magda Fyssa on the entrance of Nazis in the Greek Parliament

The mother of the murdered by the convicted neo-Nazis Pavlos Fyssas, the woman who has been carrying the anti-fascist struggle on her shoulders for ten years, who struggled to see, and saw the neo-Nazis of Golden Dawn in prison, made statements on the occasion of the entrance of the neo-Nazi Party “Spartans” in Parliament with “fuel” Kasidiaris.

“Rejoice in them. You wanted them and you got them out. Some worked for it. I am here in the street fighting for fascism that I have on my back” said Magda Fyssa and continued:

“You’ve all worked to get back into Parliament. Now if one unit didn’t want them the rest wanted them. All the channels were saying it was something new. Take now the something new that Kasidiaris is inside…

Alas for us who have been on the streets and have been fighting fascism for ten years now so that one day we can listen to Spartans and Kasidiaris is inside.

Someone worked for it. Until today I had not heard that the Spartans exist as a party and now they have entered Parliament. The community that brought them out should rejoice in them and know that they will find us against him and we will not back down.”

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